Products to help prevent sexual assault

The month of April is nationally recognized as Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. Join Sabre, makers of pepper spray and personal safety products, in the prevention of potential victimization and help support survivors against sexual abuse.

Sabre has partnered with Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, the nation’s largest anti-sexual assault organization. Proceeds from the RAINN Key Case Pepper Spray with quick release key ring and the Red Personal Alarm with key ring are used to advocate against sexual violence and help to protect survivors, according to the Network.

People between the ages of 12 to 34 are at the highest risk of sexual violence, accounting for 54 percent of all victims, according to the Network. Carrying pepper spray or other safety devices decreases the likelihood of an attack or abduction.

To learn more about Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network, visit